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Language within the setting
Muskham Preschool is part of Nottinghamshire's "Language for Life" Strategy.
We use gestures and Makaton signs with all children during the following activities:
Rhyme Time
Story Time
Snack Time
But Why?
Using signs and gestures slows down speech and emphasizes key words. This helps children understand what is being said to them.
It helps children to learn new words
Usings signs or gestures can help to decrease frustration as they are learning language
You will see symbols or photographs around the setting. For example:
Labelling draws and activities
Time Table
Song Choice cards
Choosing snack
But Why?
A time table shows you and your child the routine which helps children to feel secure
Symbols will be used to help children make choices
Use of symbols around a room helps everyone to see where toys are kept.
Please find below links to a number of free downloadable leaflets which may help you. Just click on the title to bring up the full leaflet in a new window.
A Parents Guide to Signs and Symbols
Tips 1 - Maintaining your child's 1st language
Ages and Stages - I'm 2 years old
Ages and Stages - I'm 2 and a half
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